Wrongful Death Claims in California
The wrongful death may have taken place if your loved one died because of the negligence of another person, including a medical professional. People losing their loved ones to an accident need to deal with the emotional trauma as well as financial hardships. This is particularly true where the deceased was the primary earner. Get in touch with an experienced wrongful death attorney California if you think your loved one died because of the negligence of another party. Understanding Wrongful Death Claim - Wrongful death claims seek compensation for the survivors in terms of their economic losses. Certain family members, under the California Code of Civil Procedure 377.60, have the legal right to sue negligent parties when their actions resulted in the death of a loved one. Filing as Wrongful Death Claim - Survivors of the deceased can seek compensation for the death of their loved one where negligence is involved. These are a few people that can file a wrongful de...